Can you imagine not being able to access your Email, CRM, Accountancy Software, Ticketing, Live Chat and even your Business Telecommunications?
As lockdown eases and employees return to the office, focus returns to the availability of your office internet services. The internet is accessed via your broadband, with your Broadband Router acting as the gateway to business-critical online services
So, what would the impact be if that Router developed a major fault or failed completely?
Reassuringly, today’s Routers come with a manufacturer’s warranty, as standard. If your Router breaks, you simply send it back to the supplier. They repair it, (or replace it) and send it back. In theory all very simple.
But, this process can take many days, if not weeks! And when the Router eventually comes back it is unlikely to have been re-programmed with the necessary addresses to connect to YOUR broadband.
In reality, if your Router fails your teams face being without access to your business-critical services for a considerable period of time!
How can you offset this significant business risk?
As of 1st June 2022, Evoke Telecom launch our new Router Assurance Service.
This fresh, new idea will ONLY be available to our broadband customers. It will offer Assurance on their Router for just a small monthly charge.
Our Router Assurance will provide the peace of mind businesses can depend upon. It leaves them safe in the knowledge that should their Router fail they can resolve the issue with one single telephone call. Our service will include the despatch a pre-programmed replacement Router from our workshop the very same day.
Why not give our new service a try. It could not be easier. You simply report your fault, we send the replacement, you plug in and hey presto you are back up and running as if nothing had happened.
Now that’s business continuity and peace of mind all rolled into one.
So, how old is YOUR Router. What would the impact be were it to go down?
Trust Evoke Telecom Router Assurance Service to keep you in the game just when you need it.
Want to know more? Then why not contact our helpful team at [email protected] or smile while you dial for free on 0800 8403688.
Photo’s courtesy of Direct Media on Stocksnap