OK, so let’s be honest, we’ve seen this before haven’t we? I don’t know about you, but I had the wonderful folding Ericsson with the flip and the cool blue screen when it was first launched. And of course, who can forget the ice cool Motorola Razr V3?
When it comes to larger devices, well I don’t know about you, but my laptop folds closed, and my iPad has a keyboard that closes around it to offer protection?
So, what is the big deal about FOLDABLES?
Well, this area is simply massive and a game changer if you ask the major smartphone and tablet manufacturers. If you look at the two mobile phones above the main things that stand out are how small the screen size is and how the hinge creates a definite break point between screen and keyboard. Pretty much the same with laptops and tablets two. The phone, laptop, tablet becomes a device of two halves.
Of course, as we all know, smartphone and tablet surfaces are getting larger. This is driven by the increased use of smart devices for more than simply talk and text. They are now used for a wide variety of business and social requirements, from mirroring a PowerPoint presentation to watching an episode of your current favourite box set on Netflix. But as devices get larger they become increasingly impractical. So, is folding tech the answer? For sure a foldaway phone will not only provide a larger working screen but will also provide additional protection for the screen.
Rumoured to be coming to market as early as 2019, Samsung appear to be currently winning the race to launch the first device. Analysts are expecting the new product to join the current ‘Galaxy’ family ~ catchy names such as the Galaxy ‘X’ or perhaps the Galaxy ‘Wing’ have been rumoured.
But don’t expect the first handsets to be cheap. With screen sizes of up to 17 or 18 cms the new devices will need extremely powerful batteries, whilst remaining slim when folded and light to carry. As we all know, new tech comes at a prices and the anticipated price for the first launch models is anticipated to be somewhere in the $1500 dollars region – ouch!!
So, watch this space and Evoke will keep you updated as events “unfold” 😊