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4 April 2019
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Friends of Evoke Niall Cowman and Mike Newell take on challenges for charity

NiallNiall Cowman from Avaya and Friend of Evoke
Cycling 550 miles in just 5 days for Touchstones

Here at Evoke Telecom we absolutely adore Niall Cowman, one of many (to be fair) from a very large team at Avaya UK and indeed globally that support us.

Niall is a bright rising star at Avaya UK. He is without a doubt one of the most positive people you could ever hope to meet and so when we heard about his next adventure ~ cycling 550 miles in just 5 days, for the Touchstone Charity, we could not stop ourselves from helping.

Here is Niall’s challenging agenda, which takes place between the 19th and 24th May: –

Day 1 – Paris – Auxerre 128 Miles
Day 2 – Auxerre – Chalon-Sur-Saone 118 Miles
Day 3 – Chalon-Sur-Saone – Lyon 79 Miles
Day 4 – Lyon – Avignon 127 Miles
Day 5 – Avignon – Marseille 109 Miles

And here is Niall’s story:

I am Cycling from Paris to Marseilles (550 Miles) over 5 days to raise money for a fantastic charity called Touchstones.

When I was 18, I lost my role model (Dad) suddenly to Pneumonia. It was completely out of the blue and it turned my life upside down. Fortunately, I was old enough to come to terms with things and my saving grace was university (something to put all of my effort into). However, my younger siblings weren’t so lucky. With the youngest aged just 8 when he died, they had it real tough. Coming to terms with normal changes a child goes through, then adding such a traumatic loss lead them astray. Thankfully the charity Touchstones was around to help them cope through such a difficult time, allowing them to access counselling service, introducing them to other children in a similar situation and being that shoulder to cry on.

5% of children lose a parent before the age of 16. Such a tragic loss can have a devastating effect on that child’s life, not just in the aftermath but for the remainder of that child’s life. It’s so important that given all adversity, a child is given hope of living a normal life. With the right support, this is possible. If you could spare anything you can, it would be massively appreciated by all. It would allow more children to get access to these services that have already steered so many children back onto the correct path.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Needless to say, immediately we heard what Niall was up to, we were straight out of the blocks to offer not only our funding support but also to put this we piece in our newsletter for him.

Should you be a supporter of Touchstone, or simply like Niall’s story such that you would like to donate ~ well here is the link to Niall’s ‘Just Giving’ Page.

Good luck Niall – we can’t wait to hear how it goes!

MikeMike Newell – Friend of Evoke
Running the London Marathon for SCOPE Charity

Great friend of Evoke Telecom, Mike Newell, at the tender age of just 51 years young and father of 5 has decided this year to don his lycra and Nike Joggers and take to the streets in support of the SCOPE charity.

Mike has recently been helping Evoke Telecom with some telesales work, so we thought we would not only support his effort, but also sponsor his running top. And whilst we were at it, why not add a little bit of free advertising in our newsletter too?

Here is Mike’s story:-

My name is Mike, I’m 51 hate running but love keeping fit, running is a fantastic way to keep fit, I love helping charities and so far have helped the British Heart Foundation, The Sickle Cell Society and now the great Scope which is a fantastic charity, I work with great people that share my passion to help as many people as we can.

I’m a Disability Gamechanger and it’s my main reason for supporting Scope. 49 per cent of disabled people say they feel excluded by society. The people I support are amazing individuals – support my fundraising and let’s end disability inequality today. Thank you for reading and than you even more for donating.

Mike has worked hard at his training for many months now, including through the tough winter months of rain and sleep and of course those icy mornings, but is set fair and ready to go.

Should you be a supporter of SCOPE, or simply like Mike’s story such that you would like to donate ~ well here is the link to Mike’s ‘Just Giving’ Page.

Needless to say, the team at Evoke Telecom have donated to Mike’s fund…so, Good Luck Mike ~ we will be watching out for you on Sunday 28th April and cheering you on!

NiallNiall Cowman from Avaya and Friend of Evoke
Cycling 550 miles in just 5 days for Touchstones

Here at Evoke Telecom we absolutely adore Niall Cowman, one of many (to be fair) from a very large team at Avaya UK and indeed globally that support us.

Niall is a bright rising star at Avaya UK. He is without a doubt one of the most positive people you could ever hope to meet and so when we heard about his next adventure ~ cycling 550 miles in just 5 days, for the Touchstone Charity, we could not stop ourselves from helping.

Here is Niall’s challenging agenda, which takes place between the 19th and 24th May: –

Day 1 – Paris – Auxerre 128 Miles
Day 2 – Auxerre – Chalon-Sur-Saone 118 Miles
Day 3 – Chalon-Sur-Saone – Lyon 79 Miles
Day 4 – Lyon – Avignon 127 Miles
Day 5 – Avignon – Marseille 109 Miles

And here is Niall’s story:

I am Cycling from Paris to Marseilles (550 Miles) over 5 days to raise money for a fantastic charity called Touchstones.

When I was 18, I lost my role model (Dad) suddenly to Pneumonia. It was completely out of the blue and it turned my life upside down. Fortunately, I was old enough to come to terms with things and my saving grace was university (something to put all of my effort into). However, my younger siblings weren’t so lucky. With the youngest aged just 8 when he died, they had it real tough. Coming to terms with normal changes a child goes through, then adding such a traumatic loss lead them astray. Thankfully the charity Touchstones was around to help them cope through such a difficult time, allowing them to access counselling service, introducing them to other children in a similar situation and being that shoulder to cry on.

5% of children lose a parent before the age of 16. Such a tragic loss can have a devastating effect on that child’s life, not just in the aftermath but for the remainder of that child’s life. It’s so important that given all adversity, a child is given hope of living a normal life. With the right support, this is possible. If you could spare anything you can, it would be massively appreciated by all. It would allow more children to get access to these services that have already steered so many children back onto the correct path.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Needless to say, immediately we heard what Niall was up to, we were straight out of the blocks to offer not only our funding support but also to put this we piece in our newsletter for him.

Should you be a supporter of Touchstone, or simply like Niall’s story such that you would like to donate ~ well here is the link to Niall’s ‘Just Giving’ Page.

Good luck Niall – we can’t wait to hear how it goes!

MikeMike Newell – Friend of Evoke
Running the London Marathon for SCOPE Charity

Great friend of Evoke Telecom, Mike Newell, at the tender age of just 51 years young and father of 5 has decided this year to don his lycra and Nike Joggers and take to the streets in support of the SCOPE charity.

Mike has recently been helping Evoke Telecom with some telesales work, so we thought we would not only support his effort, but also sponsor his running top. And whilst we were at it, why not add a little bit of free advertising in our newsletter too?

Here is Mike’s story:-

My name is Mike, I’m 51 hate running but love keeping fit, running is a fantastic way to keep fit, I love helping charities and so far have helped the British Heart Foundation, The Sickle Cell Society and now the great Scope which is a fantastic charity, I work with great people that share my passion to help as many people as we can.

I’m a Disability Gamechanger and it’s my main reason for supporting Scope. 49 per cent of disabled people say they feel excluded by society. The people I support are amazing individuals – support my fundraising and let’s end disability inequality today. Thank you for reading and than you even more for donating.

Mike has worked hard at his training for many months now, including through the tough winter months of rain and sleep and of course those icy mornings, but is set fair and ready to go.

Should you be a supporter of SCOPE, or simply like Mike’s story such that you would like to donate ~ well here is the link to Mike’s ‘Just Giving’ Page.

Needless to say, the team at Evoke Telecom have donated to Mike’s fund…so, Good Luck Mike ~ we will be watching out for you on Sunday 28th April and cheering you on!