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SoftTrain Cloud – Wildix Telephone System Integration

bar graph on a piece of paper

Get insights into your communications with comprehensive call reports. 

The Analytics tool generates detailed management reports for both current and historical calls, featuring data summaries, stack charts/graphs, and optional itemised call details for in-depth analysis. Filter reports for specific breakdowns and schedule automated email deliveries to stay informed.

Key Features…

Call History Reporting

Comprehensive call history reports across the phone system.

Advanced Analytics

Upgrade to the Advanced Analytics add-on for detailed logging and reports on agent statuses, helping you monitor and track activities effectively.

Advanced Filtering Options

Effortlessly refine your data with flexible filters for date ranges, agents, departments, phone numbers, call direction (inbound or outbound), and call status.

SLA Monitor

Keep track of Service Level Agreement (SLA) performance.

Detailed Insights

Itemise call details, and filter by working hours and agents.

Management Summary Reports

High-level overviews to keep you informed.

Scheduled Email Reports

Receive reports via email with PDF and CSV attachments on a schedule.

Data Table Formats:

Multiple formats available, including summary, daily, hourly, 30-min, and 15-min breakdowns.

Customisable Data Tables

Tailor your reports with the columns you need, and rename columns to suit your preferences.

Advanced Analytics at a Glance

Advanced Analytics_SoftTrain Cloud and Wildix-analytics platform customisable datatables screenshot
Advanced Analytics_SoftTrain Cloud and Wildix-analytics platform customisable datatables screenshot

Platform Screenshots

SoftTrain Cloud and Wildix-analytics platform screenshot
Advanced Analytics_SoftTrain Cloud and Wildix-analytics platform customisable datatables screenshot

Fully Customisable Data Tables

SoftTrain Cloud and Wildix-analytics platform customisable datatables screenshot

Email Reports

SoftTrain Cloud and Wildix-analytics platform email reports screenshot

Get Started with SoftTrain Cloud today to make the most of your Wildix Cloud solution.

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