The landscape of CCaaS has and continues to rapidly evolve, bringing the power of cloud-based software to businesses of all shapes and sizes. This innovative solution streamlines customer interactions, meaning you can provide a seamless experience to your customers across various and should you wish, simultaneaous communication channels.
CCaaS providers have recognised that customers can’t afford to pay for feature-heavy licences just to access a single game-changing feature they actually need and want.
To address this, COTU has developed a suite of specialised products that offer a subset of specialist features, at an appropriately affordable price. Fitting in the CX space between UC and CC, this approach is often seen as the new generation of CCaaS LITE.
To deliver this flexibility, COTU has introduced innovative solutions such as RAMP, ipSCAPE (including LITE), and a powerful AI-driven CX/EX platform, ensuring businesses get the right tools at the right price.
What does this mean for you? Here’s what you need to know…